How much Cold Wax Medium can be safely added to oil colors?
It is recommended adding up to 1/3 Cold Wax Medium to 2/3 oil colors. Beyond this amount, approximately 25% Solvent-Free Gel, Galkyd Gel or Galkyd Lite Gel could be added to 75% Cold Wax Medium. The addition of these mediums will maintain the body of your wax while also increasing both the flexibility and durability of the resulting paint layer, making it less prone to cracking. For more fluid results, you could alternatively add 25% Galkyd, Galkyd Lite or Solvent-Free Fluid.
What is the best support to paint on for Cold Wax Painting?
Just like encaustic paintings are done on rigid supports such as panels, it is recommended the same for Cold Wax Paintings. Wood or aluminum panels are appropriate, as are panels with fabric adhered to the surface. Rigid supports limit movement the paint layers and will help prevent cracking.
When using Cold Wax Medium alone as a painting medium on stretched canvas, it is recommended limiting the wax to 1/3 of the total paint mixture. To use higher percentages of Cold Wax Medium on stretched canvas, add 25-50% Galkyd Gel, Solvent-Free Gel, or for more fluid results, Galkyd. The addition of these mediums will increase the flexibility and durability of the resulting paint layer, making it less prone to cracking.
Are Cold Wax paintings subject to melting because of the wax?
The wax that is used to formulate the Cold Wax Medium has a melting point of approximately 155 degrees F. In most environments, Cold Wax paintings will remain quite stable. However, if you need to transport or ship the painting through a warm climate in the summer, consider air conditioning!